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Mark Qi

P: (404) 952-0372


Google, Inc. 2020 - Current

Software Engineer

  • Google Cloud Platform, Core Compute -- Supported the automated customer migration to GCP from on-premise workflows

Amazon Web Services 2018 - 2020

Software Development Engineer II

  • Commerce Platform -- Supported the invoice generation and delivery experience for all AWS customers

The Home Depot 2018 - 2018

Software Engineer

  • Designs and build data integration processes between multiple data sources (Google BigQuery, IBM DB2, Teradata) and system architectures.
  • Worked extensively with Jenkins pipelines and built code generators to build pipelines in bulk
  • Automated regularly scheduled tests to maintain parity between different database systems
  • Managed work assignments and work coordination with offshore resources

PowerPlan Inc.2015 - 2018

Senior Technical Consultant

  • Worked to lead teams and provide business solutions to large utility companies (over $50 billion in assets)
  • Implemented data conversion processes for company-scale Mergers & Acquisition projects
  • Built and implemented multiple interfaces between ERP/WMS and PowerPlan via the use of SQL/PowerBuilder
  • Managed defect triaging over multiple lifecycles and security between different services


Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, Georgia

Masters of Computer Science -- Computing Systems

Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, Georgia

Bachelors of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 3.65 GPA

Contributing Publications

Qi, Mark X. Alterations in ovarian cancer cell adhesion drive taxol resistance by increasing microtubule dynamics in a FAK-dependent manner. Scientific Reports. Paper available at: